Tuesday, October 12, 2010

And Im broken hearted (again)

I dont know why this bad feeling comes again (and again).
Is it my fault if I broken hearted?

I know, I have to have a self introspection. May be yes, this is my fault. But, is it fair if Im being the victim (again)?

I dont want to blame anybody of this problem.

When will it be stopped?
She's just like a shadow in this relationship. That's my own thoughts.

Im confused, much. Im confused what to do, what to say, what to think. You dont want me to think negatively of her. I've tried to.
Sometime, it works. But in the other time, it doesnt.
Is it my fault?

Im hurted, much.
Im hurted of this situation, Im hurted of this feeling.

I dont say you are  wrong, but you are not true, also.

Im tired of this. Im tired to face this situation again and again.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Dia yang mendewasakan kita ♥

Kemarin baru ada masalah sama pacar saya.
Masalah yang lumayan serius sampai harus mengorbankan sebuah benda, N73.
*I'm really sorry for that, huni..

Tapi, selalu ada hikmah yang bisa di ambil dari semua masalah.
Rasa sayang itu, yang membuat kita dewasa dan belajar banyak hal.
Terima kasih, cinta.
Terima kasih, bijaksana.
Terima kasih, sayang.

with love,

Oia, malem ini pacar saya mengirimkan banyak tanda ♥, di fb chat kami..hihi..
di itung" ada 28.. *iseng..
blushing blushing.. :)

♥ U, Harry Marwanto..

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

1000 days of Harry Merdeka

Sebenernya peringatan 1000days of Us ini udah lewat banget sejak tanggal 28 Juni lalu. Tapi, karena kesibukan UAS dan skripsi, ga ada satupun dari kami yang sempet nulis blogpost ini. *Ralat: saya aja sih yang belum sempet, kalo pacar saya sih kayaknya emang udah ga niat lagi nulis disini. Menyebalkan bukan? Udah dibikinin blog, tinggal ngisi doang juga males. hadehhh, jadi curcol gt.. -_____-"

Ga kerasa udah 1000hari. Beberapa orang temen sampe' terkagum" dan ada beberapa yang tanya '1000 hari?? di itungin ya?? wah rajin bener..'. Haha. sempet ketawa dengernya. di itung? omaigaattt.. walaupun saya termasuk kategori anak rajin, saya juga ga telaten untuk ngitungin satu" harinya sampe' ketemu 1000. Rahasianya? pake' excel dong.. Jaman udah canggih gini, masa ngitung manual? haha

Coba liat status kita waktu 1000 hari, yang komen lumayan banyak lohh. hihi
Liat disini dan disini

Sudah?? hehe
Sekarang sebenernya saya lagi agak BT sama si pacar. Karena dia pulang kampung duluan. Dasar lelaki curang dan menyebalkan. Tapi gpp deh, besok juga udah kesini lagi.. ^^
Berdo'a aja semoga pacar saya bisa sampai disini lagi dengan selamat. Amin.

LuvU huni.. ^^

Friday, May 28, 2010

Tentang Cinta dan Kesetiaan

Surat Cinta Pak Habibie untuk Alm. Ibu Hasri Ainun Habibie

Sebenarnya ini bukan tentang kematianmu, bukan itu.
Karena, aku tahu bahwa semua yang ada pasti menjadi tiada pada akhirnya,dan kematian adalah sesuatu yang pasti, dan kali ini adalah giliranmu untuk pergi, aku sangat tahu itu.
Tapi yang membuatku tersentak sedemikian hebat, adalah kenyataan bahwa kematian benar-benar dapat memutuskan kebahagiaan dalam diri seseorang, sekejap saja, lalu rasanya mampu membuatku menjadi nelangsa setengah mati, hatiku seperti tak di tempatnya, dan tubuhku serasa kosong melompong, hilang isi.
Kau tahu sayang, rasanya seperti angin yang tiba-tiba hilang berganti kemarau gersang.
Pada airmata yang jatuh kali ini, aku selipkan salam perpisahan panjang, pada kesetiaan yang telah kau ukir, pada kenangan pahit manis selama kau ada, aku bukan hendak megeluh, tapi rasanya terlalu sebentar kau disini.
Mereka mengira aku lah kekasih yang baik bagimu sayang, tanpa mereka sadari, bahwa kaulah yang menjadikan aku kekasih yang baik.mana mungkin aku setia padahal memang kecenderunganku adalah mendua, tapi kau ajarkan aku kesetiaan, sehingga aku setia, kau ajarkan aku arti cinta, sehingga aku mampu mencintaimu seperti ini.
Selamat jalan,Kau dari-Nya, dan kembali pada-Nya,kau dulu tiada untukku, dan sekarang kembali tiada.selamat jalan sayang, cahaya mataku, penyejuk jiwaku,selamat jalan,calon bidadari surgaku ….


a very romantic message..
disadari atau tidak, kesempurnaan cinta tidak datang dari diri kita, tetapi dari orang yang kita cintai..

Loveyoumuchhoney.. :) 

Friday, April 2, 2010

Once upon a time..

Once upon a time...
After the princess knew that her prince was in bad condition, she told her prince if he shouldn’t have accompanied her to go home the day after that day. But the prince still on his hearth’s said. The day after, the prince accompany her princess again because he didn’t want something bad happened to his lovely princess. Luv U (21:46:47, 23-10-2007)

Once upon a time the princess looked so different, and then the prince felt so sad because of his princess condition likely bad. The prince felt so worried about her, he really worried. Then he asked and the princess answered that she got sick. So, the prince’s feeling has been going to worse. He has been scared if his princess’ condition going to worse. But he could do nothing for his princess, he felt disappointed of his inability. Take care hunz..LuvU (20:28:28, 24-10-2007)

Today the princess looked worse than before, it’s make the prince wondered about his princess condition. Then he forces his princess to take a rest in her house. The princess followed her prince suggestion. Then they went to the princess’ house. After they arrived, the prince asked the princess to rest a whole night. But the princess answered that she would do homework. The prince felt so disappointed, he afraid it would affect a bad one. Then the prince back to his place with his mistake because he always overprotecting on her. He’s really sorry about it. (20:13:58, 25-10-2007)

One day, they were so happy on their first month relationship. The prince thought that it would be his first step to achieve his aim with his princess. Also on the day the prince make a fault so the princess felt so disappointed with him. The prince was sorry about it. But because the princess is so kind, she forgave his prince’s foolishness. The prince was so happy having a princess like her. He really doesn’t estimate a wife candidate like her. LuvU hanieQ cayank (21:23:15, 03-11-2007)

One day, they were so happy because of having a beautiful day. They did a lot of things all day together, they had so much challenge and they completed them happily. They looked like a perfect couple. After they felt tired, they decided to go home but they had to face a big rain. But only a few steps on their way home, the princess got an accident. The prince felt so sad and worried about that. The prince had offered the princess piggybacking, but the princess refused his offer because she knew that her prince was not fit anymore. Her understanding made her prince more and more love her. However, the prince never felt this happiness before, he really love her forever and ever. The prince thought that his princess was not his princess anymore, but his queen. And he was the king of course. God bless us hanie..(19:38:45, 11-11-2007)

Some days they passed a lot of activity which made them more and more love each other, especially for the prince, he love his princess more than before. He really surprised about his princess. She can make him more and more love her over the time. She isn’t his first love, but she is the first girl who can make him so happy. You’re my best princess honey, I’ll love you as long as I can, I hope it’ll be forever. I hope my love will never end. Nites hanie, nice dream. LuphU (21:13:47, 17-11-2007)

Today is the second month of their relationship. They’re so happy because of it. Two months is not a short time for them. They hope the two months will become two centuries. After all the happiness and sadness they have passed, they believe that their hopes will be comes true. Amien… (Thanks God). N the day before, the price receives a gift from his princess, because that day is the prince’s birthday. The prince is so happy, he likes the gift. He loves his princess more and more. Luph U my princess… (13:29:49, 02-12-2007)
For the last month, they have a lot of problems that make them so confuse, but they can passed them in a short time. And after it all were passed, they become closer —pertengkaran membawa berkah— and their love become increase, especially for the princess. The prince feels that his princess loves him more and more. He feels so happy because of it. The prince thought that his princesses love him very much and really love him. (14:04:35, 15-12-2007)

One upon a time the prince must go to his palace to see his Grandma where is far away from his princess. On his trip, he wanted his princess beside him. He remembered that he never passed his time outside his “gubug” without her. He really feels different of it. He really wants his princess, his love. He really wants to meet her now even just a minute. He misses her so much. Miz U my princess, my love, my everything, Miz U so.. (15:27:07, 24-12-2007)

After a long time the prince leave his princess alone, he back to his princess again, he back to accompany his princess pass her life in her place, he miss her so. He feels alone in this world without her, he feels he is nothing without her. He want his princess them. He wishes he can accompany her forever and ever. He loves his princess more than everything. Because she is a miracle for him. She is an angel given for him. Luph U my princess, Luph U my angel (13:02:56, 29-12-2007)

And for the first day they met, the prince gave her a surprise, a small gift. And the princess loves it. Then he felt so happy because of it. And they passed the next day full of love. They passed their live with happiness, and the prince thought that his angel loves him more and more, so did the prince. They wished it never end. They wished they will get a good or the best marriage than anyone. Have children that can make them proud. Amien… Marry me my princess…Luv U so... (15:54:35, 08-01-2008)

Once upon a time they must let each other to get a trip to each destination for two weeks. They knew that it’s not a short time for them. They knew that they wouldn’t see each other for two weeks. Now the prince missing his princess so much. He never feels like this. He wishes the time will go faster till he meet his angel and the time will go slowly then. So he can see her face deeper, kiss her more than ever, he really want it. Luph U my angel (15:43:41, 26-01-2008)

Today the prince goes back to his field to meet his princess after more than two weeks they haven’t been together. The prince is too strain because he really miss her. He is really happy because today is come to him. He really thanks to God. And now is the 4th month of his relationship with her. He thanks to God for keeping her for him. Without her world is nothing for him, he thinks that she is the one and only. She is everything. She is an angel from heaven given to him. And now he prepares himself to start their 1st day of the 4th month of their love. He hopes this 4th month become forever. He hopes he marry his princess 6 year later, he hopes he can make his wife give up to him when the night down, he hopes his children will be born from her. He hopes she will be his friend to pass his live till death takes him or her. And until today the prince always says thank a lot to God for giving him an angel, a true love filling his live with happiness. Luph U my princess, become Ur husband is my wish, become Ur children’s father is my dream, become Ur imam is my willing. Luph U my hunnz. Luph U so (14:54:35, 07-02-2008)


Those are excerpt from my mas story about us.. ^^

Jadi ceritanya dulu pacar saya sering tulisin cerita buat saya. Cerita pengantar tidur gt deh.. *Really love it so much* Awalnya bikinnya dalam Bahasa Indonesia, tetapi berhubung hape saya rusak, jadi cerita" awalnya udah kepotong, itu sebenernya bukan cerita terakhir yang dikasih pacar saya, ada beberapa cerita lagi, tapi hanya untuk konsumsi pribadi, hehe

Cerita-cerita itu masih tersimpan dengan rapi di memori hape saya. Walaupun cerita dan bahasa Inggrisnya agak kacau, tapi saya suka kok.. Emang ada beberapa bagian yang terbaca gombal, tapi ga masalah buat saya.

Berhubung sekarang sang pacar sudah sangat sibuk, jadi ga mungkin bikinin cerita lagi, dan saya memaklumi itu. Makasih ya mas, untuk semua cerita di atas, yang kadang masih suka bikin melting bacanya..

LuvU huni..


Happy 2,5 year anniversary!!!!

2 and a half year is not a short time for Us
2 and a half year for every happiness, sadness, madness, craziness, and many thing in our story
2 and a half year for sharing love, love, love, life, life, life and problems
2 and a half year for laughing and crying together

Sorry for every problem and confusion caused  by me
Sorry I'm not mature enough to love you, to give all the love you need, and to be the one that you want

Thanks for every great day in my last 2 and a half year with you

deep inside my heart, love you so much, Harry Marwanto

lotta kisses and hugs..

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday night syndrom

As the title implied, this post will tell about our sat' night.. ^^
After a long time without a sat' night out, we plan to get it tonight..
But..gosh!! it's rain!! huhu

Akhirnya ga jadi deh mlm mingguannya, tapi laen kali juga gpp siii.. Jadilah kita cuma makan ayam bakar di tempat biasa di deket kosan saya..

Tapi hari ini cukup senang, pacar saya sudah ada perkembangan, udah mulai nulis" di blog ini dan udah edit layoutnya,hehe, tHx lotz ya huni... kiss kiss.. ^^
Tapi katanya sih ini masih mau di edit lagi, biar lebih bagus.. :)

wish we can go somewhere for the next sat nite.. :)

Friday, March 19, 2010


udah malem, tapi masih banyak yang harus dikerjakan, ngurusin web buat nyari duit dan web toko kami plus 4 teman kami. Kalo mau liat2 sekedar iseng jalan2 mampir aja di kios kami di Soenda Kelapa T-Shirt Shop. Mata terasa ngantuk tapi masih harus bersemangat ria, berjuang untuk membahagiakan banyak orang.....

Hari ini di kantor masih berkutat sama jurnal setahun yang belum terselesaikan. Melelahkan tapi menyenangkan...hehehe. Bu Sandra ama Pak Fred tadi baru balik dari afrika selatan, ngurus anak perusahaan dari sana kali, eh kita dikasih kurma...beda ya kurma dari sana ama kurma di pasar (red : kriput, kering).
Besok sabtu, tapi masih harus kuliiah, pagi pula, ayam gue aja belon bangun masak gue udah harus masuk kuliah??@#$

Mungkip buat perkenalan segini dulu aja deh.....udah ngantuk..tinggal 5 watt. wkekekeke

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Finally, I make it true.. ^^

It has been a long time since I thought about this blog and make it true..hoho.. karena aktivitas yang padat *read:magang-kuliah-tugas-skripsi-bem-dan-rutinitas-kehidupan-mahasiswa-lainnya* blog ini cuma ada di kepala saya saja.. Apalagi sang pacar tidak mau membantu saya untuk bikin blog ini terealisasi.. Dan saya, yang notabene tidak pintar masalah ini *read:gaptek* harus belajar membuat sendiri sang blog tercinta.. Dan ternyata..ngebuat blog ga sesulit yang saya bayangkan.. :)

Mengingat tujuan awal dari pembuatan blog ini, saya ingin menyapa seseorang disana..
"Hey Harry Marwanto!! ayo rajin cerita" disini, katanya lebih gampang nulis daripada ngomong, jadi sering" berkunjung dan nulis" disini aja ya huni..buat kenang-kenanangan di masa tua.. :D"

Finally, semoga blog ini nantinya berguna, ga hanya untuk kita *Harry Merdeka* tapi juga untuk orang lain. Siapapun yang nantinya iseng", niat baca atau cuma terdampar di blog ini..

See you on our next post

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